Hello, PS World!
I would like to invite you to participate in our CV.
CV Title: Tribute sørry 2nd
sørry is one of the old spinners from Russia, who inspired many of us in Pen Spinning. Almost no one knows him on in person or has seen him, he deleted his account and all his videos. This is the CV, we want to make in honor of him.
Participation rules:
If your nickname contains letter 'o', you shall replace it with 'ø'. Otherwise, you shall choose one letter in your nickname, and replace it with a crossed-out version of it, or come up with a temporary nickname just for this CV.
Examples of crossed-out letters:
Length: 13-17sec
FPS: 30
Resolution: 480x640 or higher
Aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
Deadline: 15 July
Send combo to this e-mail: Petia0811@gmail.com
Filename shall contain your nickname.
Example: bio8_for tribute sorry 2nd
Please, specify which letter you want to be crossed-out (or send it with one already crossed-out).
I (bio8) am the editor of this CV, so editing style will be similar to my previous works.
Filtering will be applied, main criteria — good setup (above the table, without garbage). Filming while bending over the sofa and such stuff will be filtered immediately. Preferred style: JEB-like, aesthetics (because sørry has this style). Please, don't show us your power tricks record as a combo.
I would like you to participate!